Advanced ERC Features

ERC-712: Typed Structured Data Hashing and Signing

This standard enhances security for off-chain data handling by enabling typed structured data hashing and signing, allowing users to securely sign data before it is transmitted to the blockchain.

ERC-1271: Smart Contract Wallet Signature Validation

This interface allows smart contracts to validate signatures, facilitating integration with smart contract-based wallets and enhancing user experience and security.

ERC-2612: Permit – 712-Signed Approvals

ERC-2612 enables approvals via signatures, allowing for gasless transactions. Users can permit token transfers by signing messages off-chain, which can then be executed on-chain by others.

ERC-3009: Gasless Token Transfers

This standard supports gasless token transfers, improving user experience by allowing transactions to be executed without requiring the sender to hold Ether for gas fees.

Last updated